Unstoppable Domains and Blockchaincom Collaborate on DNS-enabled Web3 Domain
Blockchaincom becomes one of the largest Web3 companies to establish a web3-centric, DNS-enabled domain in anticipation of next year's ICANN gTLD initiative
blockchain dotcom, the world's leading crypto finance house, today announced a strategy to create one of the first DNS-enabled Web3 domains through an application with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
The new partnership will be based on the “.blockchain” Web3 domain, which will be submitted in time for ICANN’s hotly anticipated six-year registration program next year.
Over 40 million verified users on Blockchain.com have created more than 90 million wallets and the company has supported over $1.2 trillion in crypto transactions. With a strong track record of generating adoption, blockchain dotcom is the perfect partner to help Unstoppable bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 domains.
If the application is successful, the .blockchain domain will be poised to join the ranks of iconic ICANN-registered generic top-level domains like .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, and more. Its all-encompassing, industry-specific nature makes .blockchain an ideal candidate for fostering widespread adoption of blockchain-based businesses in the Web2 ecosystem.
“We are thrilled to partner with blockchain dotcom on this ambitious venture,” said Sandy Carter, COO of Unstoppable Domains. “Our alliance is poised to start with a Web3 domain to test and deliver a low-cost solution. This is a step towards ensuring we can plan and strategize for the upcoming ICANN work.”
The success of this partnership will enable any brand to collaborate with Unstoppable to expand the reach of their existing Web3 domains, providing a low-cost integrated naming solution ahead of the next ICANN round. This opportunity extends beyond corporations to include cities and localities, with Unstoppable Domains responsible for pioneering the world’s first city-centric Web3 domain, “.Austin.”
To date, Unstoppable has been at the forefront of utilizing blockchain technology to give users and brands control of their digital identities. blockchain dotcom, known for its innovation in the space, will join the initiative to leverage its collective expertise to strategize and plan for a potential .blockchain Web3 domain as a traditional Web2 gTLD.
“Joining forces with Unstoppable Domains to spearhead the next evolution of web domains is exhilarating. Our combined efforts underscore our dedication to a user-focused web. We eagerly anticipate our engagement with ICANN to materialize our shared vision,” noted Lane Kasselman, President of blockchain dotcom.
Meanwhile, the strategy proposed for the .blockchain TLD is just the beginning. Many more Web3 TLDs could potentially receive their own Web2 “twins,” allowing users, brands, and companies to take the best from both worlds and fully leverage the power of Web3 domains within the traditional Internet space.
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