World #1 Industry 4.0 & 5.0 for Smart City

Industry ICBM [IoT, Chat-GPT, Blockchain, Netaverse] + Gig & Quantum Economy Development of Infra Facilities (HW+SW+Contents+Services) for Trains, Eco2, Energy...

조병완 2023-10-09 21:35 COLUMN(칼럼) DN 50.00

Smart cities, industrial complexes, theme parks, apartment complexes, Medical towns, etc. being promoted by all local governments or companies around the world.......Although it invests in the construction with a huge budget, it is failing business without anyone knowing that it has failed by introducing only the Internet of Things, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and robots of ICT technology provided by Tele-communication (smart phone) company, and past concepts of pretty high-rise buildings, landmarks, and unexperienced architects & engineers due to the lack of understanding of high-tech technologies and rapid social changes in the 2030s.

2030s Chat-GPT Artificial Intelligence Human 2.0, Humans Who Don't Die, Plan-B (Space), Things (Urban Facilities, Infrastructure, Buildings) and Animals, Plants, and Virtual Humans Can Communicate with Humans for a Future 2030's.

World's Only, World's Best Fourth & Fifth Industrial Revolution Convergence Symbiosis Smart City 4.0 (Intelligent City), Reality, not dreams, All the convergence of advanced science and industry, technology, economy, environment, healthcare, philosophy, art, culture, tourism, education, welfare...Lead the future with amazing creative and innovative ideas. :

YouTube: Higgs Consulting, or Prof. Jo for more information (+82-10-8787-0036)

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