Chinese national Digital Currency Electronic Payments

Erica 2020-02-20 09:32 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Huge thanks to everyone who came to the #China curry last night! Very interesting talk on the Chinese national Digital Currency Electronic Payments program- the #DCEP - soon to be rolled out by the People's #Bank of China with the #digital tokens pegged 1:1 to the RMB.

Learnt some really interesting things! When China say they're thinking about it, that means they've done it. They may have only announced it in November but have been working on it for 6 years.

Most of the infrastructure is already built, & the pilot partners are ready to go.

The DCEP is designed to make #Chinese #payment rails available internationally so that China can do business abroad directly in RMB, rather than always having to use USD, as they do now. This opens up huge potential growths in trade. It doesn't use #blockchain and isn't a #cryptocurrency!

Huge thanks to Areiel Wolanow for organising, to Ewan Puckle Hobbs for coming in and speaking and to Kefirah K. for staying up until 6am in China to speak to us via video-call! Huge thanks to Alex Moon and team at Coin Geek for sponsoring the event and giving us free tickets to their conference on Thursday, really looking forward to it! Thanks to Lise Li, #Bitcoin Association Lead in China for speaking!

Great to see so many new & familiar faces :)

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