Next Crypto Curry Club London lunch

Erica 2019-12-14 10:26 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Next Crypto Curry Club London lunch is on Jan 29th in Liverpool Street with Mark Hipperson, co-founder of Starling Bank and founder of new #crypto challenger bank Ziglu on 'How to Start a Bank'. He will talk on how to go about getting a license, raising funds, building a bank from zero to 1 and the challenges along the way. He will also tell you why he's now starting a crypto bank after a career in traditional finance, and what he thinks this is the future of banking. Mark is a very fun speaker and has started 2 banks more than most people, this should be a fun curry!

Thanks to Cliff Fluet, David Willbe and team Lewis Silkin for backing the #CryptoCurryClub from almost day 1. Please message me for the link to book if you would like to come to the first curry lunch of 2020 :)

#LondonNetworking #LondonBlockchain #cryptocurries

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