Berkeley Global Society event

Renata 2019-10-18 09:56 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Yesterday, I attended the Berkeley Global Society event, conceived by Aubin GONZALEZ LAPOS, which took place in @B2Mamy, a beautiful venue in São Paulo. It was a pleasure to hear Anne Chang - whom beautifully organized the event - presenting the differences between digital currency, tokens and cryptocurrency; Laurence Loumes talking about innovation and intellectual property protection; Ricardo Paixão bringing insights about how regulation may affect innovation and Antonio Carlos Amorim discussing the use of blockchain in agribusiness. I talked about blockchain and Justice, an area that can benefit greatly from new technologies. Courtnay Guimaraes and Disrup Diva were there as well, sharing their ideas. It was an event not to be missed - I can’t wait for the next edition! #BerkeleyGlobalSociety #BRIBRasil #B2Mamy #blockchain #WomenInBlockchain #innovation

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