2019 Wanxiang Blockchain Summit

Coco 2019-09-23 15:05 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

At the 2019 Wanxiang Blockchain Summit, Vitalik cut short his trip to Israel to deliver the keynote speech; Dr. Xiao, who is an advocate of blockchain and spearheading Wanxiang Group’s blockchain initiative, gave the closing speech “ thoughts triggered by Libra”. Many industry influencers and practitioners spoke at the Summit.  What an honor and pleasure to be invited to such an inspiring and educational event.  Speaker roster: https://lnkd.in/eGNAU6y  #blockchain  Chao Deng Michel Lee

- 데일리코인뉴스는 현장의 목소리를 우선합니다(news@dailycoinews.com) -

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-언론사 규정 및 본사 내규상 부적절하거나 타인에게 해가 되는 언어 및 내용이 포함된 기사, 타 사이트 홍보 기사 등은 작성자의 허락 없이 삭제될 수 있습니다 -

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