Reviewing the Departure of 3 Companies from Facebook's Virtual Currency Libra Project

Reporter Gina Lee 2019-08-26 16:40 English DN 50.00

Three companies are considering leaving Facebook's Libra Association. The above three companies are concerned that their participation and support of the Virtual Currency Libra Association will raise the concerns from the regulators, Financial Times reported.

According to the report, two of them said they were concerned about regulatory issues, while the other said they were concerned about publicly supporting the virtual currency Libra.

Meanwhile, while the Facebook Virtual Currency Libra Association consists of prominent companies such as Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Uber and Sportify, none of them are officially participating in the project, said Alfred Kelly, chairman of Visa Inc. The project is still in its early stages, just expressing its willingness to participate in the Libra Association."

Meanwhile, Facebook's virtual currency Libra has been asked by global regulators to scrutinize strict regulations since the Libra project's announcement in mid-June. U.S. lawmakers of David Marcus,the head of the Libra project, promised to delay the launch of the virtual currency Libra until it responds to all concerns, but the authorities' watchful eyes have not died down.

Reporter Gina Lee (의 기사 더 보기

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