Binance Exchange Announces New Virtual Money Venus Project

Is It Following the Footstep of Facebook's Libra?

Reporter Jenny Lee 2019-08-20 17:15 English DN 50.00

The world's largest Binance exchange has announced plans for an open blockchain Venus project to develop localized digital assets, paging global fiat currencies.

Venus Project said it aims to create new partnerships and partnerships with governments, businesses, IT companies and other cryptocurrency companies involved in the larger blockchain ecosystem so that developed and developing countries can expand new currencies.

Since its launch in April, the Venus chain has been operating safely and securely, pegged in British pounds and issued a variety of stabilization bills, including BGBP, according to an official statement from the Binance Exchange. Venus also said it would provide full-process technical support, compliance risk management systems and multi-dimensional cooperative networks to leverage existing infrastructure and regulatory facilities to build Venus.

It also welcomes "additional government partners, businesses and organizations with strong interest and influence on a global scale to build a new open alliance and a sustainable community." Binance also mentioned, "we encourage people and organizations of the same mind to contact us and discuss the infinite possibilities of the digital world together."

Some experts believe that the announcement of the Venus project is similar to Facebook's Libra project's "Libra Association," which is different from Facebook's 4 billion-strong user pool, which is already one-third of the world's population.

Reporter Jenny Lee (의 기사 더 보기

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