Infinito Wallet is a leading universal wallet for crypto users
About Infinito Wallet
Infinito Wallet is a leading universal wallet for crypto users, serving as a gateway for users to maximize usage and potential of their cryptocurrencies. With a built-in DApp browser, App Square, users have access to the most innovative blockchain applications for their daily needs. Infinito Wallet aims to build an ecosystem of practical blockchain services including exchanges, ID/KYC solutions, and other blockchain-related business services. At the same time, a community of developers and businesses are supported within the Infinito Blockchain Platform, with an open blockchain infrastructure of technologies and compliant-ready services, so that they can seamlessly build, launch, and operate innovative products and services efficiently.
About FIO Protocol
The Foundation for Interwallet Operability (FIO) and FIO Protocol – is a new inter-wallet operability protocol that removes the risk, complexity, and inconvenience of sending and receiving tokens and coins. The FIO Protocol is being built by Dapix, Inc.
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기사 등록시 비트코인 가격
BTC-USD : $ 4,017.10 USD (API by Bitfinex)
임은교 2019-03-27 15:18
전수미 2019-03-26 21:56