Motivated And Trained, Generation Blockchain Is Preparing To Disrupt You

Blockchain Education Network

Katya 2019-03-23 18:32 Post on SNS (비회원) DN 10.00

High school students in Denver learn about blockchain technology during an ETHDenver workshop.

Blockchain Education Network (BEN)

And while early, it is becoming clearer that a student movement is building. Blockchain Education Network (BEN) is a global non-profit that provides curriculum, access to thought leaders, financial aid, and other support to a worldwide community of universities and students who are interested in advancing their knowledge of blockchains and distributed ledger technologies. Over the past four years, BEN has been working to educate, empower and connect a network of student-run organizations that now spans over 200 universities in more than 30 countries.”

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[저작권자ⓒ Daily Coin News 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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