All of them on mute – was hearing no laughter when I made a joke

처음하는 온라인 강의에 학생은 듣기만 할뿐 반응이 없고, 농담을 해도 웃지를 않는다

Joel 2020-04-06 12:12 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Yesterday, after 28 years in the classroom, I taught my first-ever class on Zoom to students at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business.

One of the attendees was up at 4:30 am in Singapore. Others were spread around the globe and likely in their jammies. But all were prepared and eager for a cold-call.

 The hardest thing for me was being unable “read” the class. And the second hardest– with all of them on mute – was hearing no laughter when I made a joke.

My ever-encouraging son pointed out, however, that they were likely merely relieved not to have to laugh at a lame attempt at humor.

All in all, what an amazing community coming together to make the best of a tough situation – mirroring efforts I know are being replicated throughout the world. #remoteteaching

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