his in a "time for facts and not for fear" really.

두려움이 아니라 팩트로 행동해야할 때

Caterina 2020-03-31 12:59 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Just if we keep in mind that this is only temporary and that there are still many ways to #connect with others and help eachother, we can trasform this in a "time for facts and not for fear" really.

The idea of self-isolation may seem hard. For me and for all the Blockchain Ladies it is representing an opportunity to realize how much powerful is when you're a member of so many on line communities.

A pink aperitif to focus on emergency is a small way to make a big impact and will also brighten your day because it is very empowering when everyone feels like they have a place to make a contribution. I've been convinced for a long time now that in unity there is strength. In our shared humanity.

In our interconnectedness. We actually have the chance to do something for all citizens and all minorities and it'clear that this doesn't regard only the government, not the hospitals, it is based in all of us and it’s about a build before rebuilding.

Laura Cappello Amelia Tomasicchio Tamara Belardi Daria Alessi Maria Alessandra Cavestro Loredana Mancini Cristina BALDI Stefania Ceccarani

#covid19 #quarantine #togetherwewin #womenintech #womeninsecurity # #womeninblockchain #communityimpact #communityispower #gendergap #donne #genderequality

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