MicrosoftHK provides a platform to empower us, EmpowerHK

Cally 2020-01-21 16:16 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. What an inspiring and productive day with our extended LTs yesterday.

We discussed our challenges, opportunities and solutions for H2. I’m very grateful to be among some of the giants of HK’s tech sector. #MicrosoftHK provides a platform to empower us,

#EmpowerHK! #technology #microsoft #microsoftlife #artificialintelligence #bigdata #cloud #microsoftazure #growthmindset #talentdevelopment #techintensity #hongkong

Maria Hui Leo Chan Larry Chan Serena Cheung Winnie Yeung Fred Sheu Kenneth Yiu Kelvin Tse Henry Li Vyin Ng

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