Invest Hong Kong in Marriott International hotel

Vitaly 2019-12-12 09:19 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

The reception of the year was given by Invest Hong Kong in Marriott International hotel in Hong Kong, gathered hundreds of people from around the world. Despite of any geopolitical aspects, international representatives discussed their unchanged mind on Hong Kong as the Asian hub for investment, logistics, trade and other business that connects the whole globe. Many thanks to InvestHK for continuing establishment of transparent and highly efficient communication between the government and international business. Was great to meet the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong the Hon. Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po and catch up with lots of friends and acquaintances,

Thank you for your continuing support Stephen Phillips, Charles Ng, William WONG, Chin Yung (CY) LU, Yury Kotov 尤里, Leonid Orlov, Ka Chun Lam, Alvin, Charles d'Haussy, Charles CHEN, Jennifer Chen, Maggie Law, Hayley L. , Alena Malkova, Alexander R. #hk #hongkong #香港 #investhk #reception #global #business #investhongkong #rcpm #parkingbnb #urbanchain

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YM 2019-12-12 09:23
