Hong Kong Institute of Bankers Annual Banking Conference 2019

Lahournere 2019-10-21 09:50 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

#AI, #Blockchain, #Cloud, #AlternativeData, #API, #AnalyticsofCustomers, #LanguageAI,

Is it buzz or reality? Earlier this month, I have exchanged with my peers from Refinitiv, DBS Bank, Fano Labs and Cisco on A.I and our real work experiences and the trends we see. 3 main key takes away: 1- Data redefines the game of financial institutions’ value proposition and those who are not prepare will face intense competition 2- Open ecosystem (star up, data providers, university) is the key to leverage the best of existing strength and capitalize on it 3- We can not change a whole company so transformation has to come from the inside —> Within OUR TEAM. We need to think data, tech and AI. I feel honored and proud to participate to this panel with JasonLiu , Medhy Souidi Miles H. F. Wen (温豪夫), Philip Wong at The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers Annual Banking Conference 2019. #fintechs #financialsector # #machine_learning # #collectiveintelligence #customerexpereince

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