Practical & Scientific Solutions for Fukushima Radioactive Water Disposal in Industry 4.0 Revolution Era

“No more Political Flattery, But Scientific Alternative”

Green Paradise w/o Radioactive damage by Quantum Mechanics

조병완 2023-08-31 12:26 COLUMN(칼럼) DN 50.00

Ⅰ. Background

Ⅱ. Why do we need nuclear power?

Ⅲ. Fukushima Conclusion & proposals

1. Background :

With the commercialization of nuclear power generation according to Einstein's theory of relativity, the dose limit of 1mSv/year emission standards stipulated by the IAEA are applied not only to nuclear facilities around the world but also to Fukushima nuclear treatment facilities.

By current scientific technology and international emission standards, the Japanese government's claim is understood as a sovereign state and should be accepted along with all nuclear power plants and radioactive waste disposal facilities around the world.

If, as some objections and public-leading political scaremongering (ghost story), you do not trust the methodology of removing radionuclides through the ALPS (Multi-Nuclear Removal Facility) at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, you do not trust radioactive materials emitted below the allowable level from nuclear power plants around the world, so nuclear power generation in all countries around the world should be shut down.

- Why do we need nuclear power?

The global greenhouse effect of the industrial revolution and the current use of fossil fuels has already exceeded the global thermal equilibrium limit, causing unimaginable heat waves, cold waves, heavy rain, drought, forest fires, ecosystem changes and extinction around the world in the 21st century. Like a frog in a pot that heats up toward the sixth mass extinction of the planet, it is proceeding without human knowledge.

The bigger problem is that when global warming continues as it is now, the Earth will exist in the extreme space environment of the solar system like Mars, but humans(our descendants) will only disappear as dinosaurs disappeared during the 5th mass extinction, leaving another species, not human adapted to the extreme environment.

Therefore, reducing global warming's greenhouse gas emissions to lower global temperatures is humanity's biggest challenge. Nuclear power generation(NPP>SMR), which emits the least greenhouse gas emissions in the current science, industry, and technology industries, is a better choice than the deadly sixth extinction of the Earth, although only some radioactive accidents remain at risk.

Higgs (God Particle) Co. Prof. Byungwan Jo : Director of Higgs Consulting & Research Academy Call +82-10-8787-0036 Wechat ID : joycon0920 This report will be given upon your official invitation for real projects.

2. Why do we need nuclear power?

The global greenhouse effect of the industrial revolution and the current use of fossil fuels has already exceeded the global thermal equilibrium limit, causing unimaginable heat waves, cold waves, heavy rain, drought, forest fires, ecosystem changes and extinction around the world in the 21st century. Like a frog in a pot that heats up toward the sixth mass extinction of the planet, it is proceeding without human knowledge.

The bigger problem is that when global warming continues as it is now, the Earth will exist in the extreme space environment of the solar system like Mars, but humans(our descendants) will only disappear as dinosaurs disappeared during the 5th mass extinction, leaving another species, not human adapted to the extreme environment.

Therefore, reducing global warming's greenhouse gas emissions to lower global temperatures is humanity's biggest challenge. Nuclear power generation(NPP>SMR), which emits the least greenhouse gas emissions in the current science, industry, and technology industries, is a better choice than the deadly sixth extinction of the Earth, although only some radioactive accidents remain at risk.

3. Fukushima Conclusion & proposals :

①. The atomic periodic table in modern physics and chemistry starts with hydrogen, helium, and cesium, uranium, and so on…It was explaining the source of all substances with about 120 atoms.

However, the latest Nobel Prize-winning state-of-the-art science has revealed 12 fermion subparticles made up of quarks, which are the source of all things in the universe, and the fundamental 4 forces of the universe, Higgs, known as God Particles.

If these are the everything in universe and future science & technologies. The problems and countermeasures of radioactive damages  should be investigated based on their recent subatomic quantum levels, not past old atomic levels.

②. Quantum science, which was discovered in this way, admitted the dark energy, which could not identify unknown energy of 73%, the source of the universe expanding at the speed of light beyond the law of gravity in all matter on the universe.

In addition to known (u, d) quarks, modern science has not identified, by defining unknown substances as dark matter, which assumes to transform unknown (c, s, t, b) quarks and six lepton particles to be 22% of all matters in universe.

In other words, it is a rather dangerous idea to conclusively conclude the scientific legitimacy of the Fukushima marine discharge with past old atom theory, as our modern state-of-the-art quantum science unfortunately accounts for only 5% of legitimacy, but enough to understand the God’s providence.

③. Tritium, which is a problem with radioactive water at Fukushima nuclear power plant, is the source of solar energy, as the sun's hydrogen atoms, which are the major source of the solar universe, fuse at high temperatures and high.

④. Unlike the "magnetic field confinement tokamak method" used by the Korea Institute of Nuclear Fusion Energy and the International Fusion Experimental Reactor (ITER), U.S. research institutes studied the "inertive confinement method" that uses the principle of high temperature and high pressure inside when fired with a powerful laser. Like Helion Energy, some have contracted to provide a fusion power plant commercialized in the "FRC" method that combines the two methods in 2028.

. As such, cutting-edge science is developing horribly. In 2028, the sun's nuclear fusion method based on deuterium and tritium, which is infinite in space and sea, and also discharging radioactive water in Fukushima, is on the verge of success. Therefore, tritium, which has become a problem with Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant treatment water, should be more stored in the scientifically proved methods for the transforming it into a new energy material in a nuclear fusion method, not an object of ecosystem pollution and disaster. Therefore, the Japanese

government and the IAEA should do their best to protect the green Earth by delaying marine disposal as much as possible and focusing on the valuable research on the Strong Force & Weak Force of cutting-edge quantum science and technology. (Refer to Prof. Jo’s Quantum Green Revolution)

⑥. In the 17th century, Newtonian science was deterministic. Modern quantum science can explain the phenomenon of everything in the universe, where all possibilities exist as probabilities according to the principle of quantum uncertainty. As a result, quantum computing and brain science, new source of light (Qubit), Chat-GPT synthetic robots attract the era of the 5th industrial revolution for the era of spiritual civilization 2.0 in the near future.

Even though In this state-of-the-art scientific era, general humans prefer to judge based on the their own level of scientific knowledge, not the world best state-of-the-art scientific knowledge, Accordingly we should know that Fukushima nuclear treatment water has the duality of both radioactive waste and artificial solar fusion materials made up of fermion particles from the space Big Bang in 13.8 billion years ago.

. In this advanced scientific age, waste becomes a resource like urban oil fields and urban mines, so it would be a scientific, ecological, and economic right choice to stop and store discharge decisions until advanced technology, which eventually turns into new energy from quantum mechanical sources, emerges like a stunning fusion artificial sun in 2028.

I sincerely hope that the limitations of deterministic short knowledge, which are biased like primitive people, will not put all ecosystems and humanity that originated in the sea of primitive Earth in crisis.

Higgs (God Particle) Co. Prof. Byungwan Jo : Director of Higgs Consulting & Research Academy/ Call +82-10-8787-0036 / Wechat ID : joycon0920 /This report will be given upon your official invitation for real projects.


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