Dubai Opens a Large Cryptocurrency Exchange in Dubai (UAE)

Reporter Gina lee 2020-04-16 16:30 English DN 50.00

A new large cryptocurrency exchange has opened in the Arab world by Burency, a United Arab Emirates-based company. The exchange is translated in twelve languages and 90 virtual currencies are listed.

The exchange will include various services such as 24 hours of normal trading platforms/systems, in accordance with required technical support system.

The platform is available in 12 languages, including English and Arabic, and will provide 24-hour support to users. Traders can also buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrency for legal currency.

In a blog post, Burency works with Dubai's cryptocurrency custody company, Nebbex to buy insurance by Lloyds Bank of London. The company said that issues like users being harmed by hackers or cyber criminals does not occur as the company is able to fully cover traders' assets.

Besides the cryptocurrency exchange, Burency will also establish a mining facility or data center using sustainable hydropower and allow the use of mining facilities or computing systems through its own "BUY Token" channel.

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