After the postponement of the Olympic games, Japan has seen literally overnight a surge in the number of infected people.

올림픽 연기 후 수상한 일본 코로나바이러스 확진자 수 폭증

관리자 2020-04-02 12:28 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Completely improbable statistical data can be seen in Japan chart below of reported infected cases.

After the postponement of the Olympic games, Japan has seen literally overnight a surge in the number of infected people.

Any government owe transparency when it comes to the public health and public interest more generally. China under reporting its number of infected people by one third by not including their silent carriers, which normally would put it well above 120,000 based on official numbers too, or Japan not testing people with a policy of "don't ask, don't tell" are example of bad government policies. In the aftermath of all this, there will be questions raised and there will be hell to pay.

Data from the Johns Hopkins University ( ). Thanks to Suckheui Chung for the heads-up.

#Japan #China #Statistics #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Doctored #Data #Number #Infected #People #WHO

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