surprising that Covid19 is also changing this trend and many online gambling operators

CODIV19는 온라인 스포츠 트랜드도 바꾸고 있다

Sandro 2020-04-02 12:24 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Until some weeks ago, #virtualsportsbetting was somewhat popular amongst online gamblers. It is not surprising that #Covid19 is also changing this trend and many online gambling operators are increasingly implementing more of these services to potentially make up for the losses being experienced from the drop of revenues in sportsbook.

#Virtualsports is offered through game simulators that are built on a random number generator(RNG) similar to slot machines in the online casino.

The natural question that comes along is whether the underlying RNGs are operating in line with what is expected by regulators, companies and players alike. Are the RNGs operating in adequate control frameworks that mitigate the related algorithm risks?

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