My 64 year old mum heading out to do her bit on the covid19uk front line today

오늘도 코로나바이러스 전선에 나가시는 자랑스런 어머니

Nic 2020-03-31 13:21 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Never been more proud... My 64 year old mum heading out to do her bit on the #covid19uk front line today.

When I asked her if she wasn’t tempted to retire after a 43 year stint in nursing, she laughed and said “Of course not!

This is what I’ve been trained for Nicholas!” It made me realise that in 2020, superheroes really don’t wear capes, they wear disposable gloves, plastic masks & NHS badges.

Go mum & all of those putting themselves out there while we socially distance and stay safe at home! We are so lucky!

#nhs #nursing #nhsengland #coronavirus #coronavirusuk #proud #covid19 #facesofthepandemic #clapfornhs #clapforourcarers #clapforthenhs

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