Women in Technology Forum in Sharjah!

Norendana 2020-02-20 09:28 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Give back and help each other! Ayumi Moore Aoki you opened doors and gave hope. Women of today, their daughters and the future generation will be forever grateful! An amazing experience attending yesterday the Women in Technology Forum in Sharjah! I had no idea how forward Sharjah has gone with the support of women, startups and innovation space.

A perfect example of how much leadership matters! Well done to Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park and to all speakers who through very insightful arguments made their point on stage.

Anna Roberts Najla Al-Midfa Sophie Smith Maryam Bin Al Shaikh Fattin Nimeh Hoda A.Alkhzaimi Heather Henyon Angelika Eksteen Danya Bashir Nairouz Bader and many other amazing speakers.

Thumbs up to Al Jalila Foundation for supporting the Pink Ribbon association in helping women with breast cancer fight through it. #womenempowerment

My ladies Ffiona (Farha) Kirubi & Daniela Kozubska Essafi always a pleasure taking pictures with you :)

#WITFORUM #technology #innovation #prosperity #womenrock #SRTIP #equality

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