e-Services and Digital Economy

Bashar 2020-02-18 21:49 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Impressive progress in #Jordan with the launch of the single-sign-on capabilities for government services making it easier to provide an integrated experience while saving time, improving efficiency and availing a higher level of transparency, through a single app “Sanad”.

More than 300 services enabled through a cross-government integration platform allowing for #data exchange and process automation. 


Pleased to participate in the launch of the fifth economic stimulus package by the Prime Minister of Jordan focusing on “e-Services and Digital Economy”. Proud of #IBM partnership with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Jordan Business Systems -JBS-

#digitaltransformation #artficialintelligence #digitalinclusion #dubaifuture #datasovereignty #digitalservices #digitaleconomy #governmentservices #amman

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