Singapore Fintech Festival

Thomas 2019-11-18 11:46 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Singapore FinTech Festival

 We want to thank all the friends of Copenhagen Fintech that passed by our booth last week and met with the delegation and especially the startups exhibiting. Great to say hello to RBC, ING, Citi, NEC Corporation, Barclays, Singlife, Infosys, MS&AD Insurance Group and many many more! A special thank you to Kim Rosenkilde and RKR Capital for your support and for facilitating a lot of the interactions.

#cphfintech #fintech #globallab #dansing19 #industriensfond #sff2019 Oliver Sjöstedt, Sebastian Jensen, Naima Yasin, Simon Schou, Mads Schiøler Tingsgård, Ane Helth Louby, James Ankers, Hong Paterson, Alexander Peh (he/him), Nora Bieberstein, Thomas Nyegaard, David Rasson, Daichi Iwata, Thomas Kanstrup, Anneli Sundström, Walter de Oude, Ole Boisselier-Malmgren, Dorte Bech Vizard, Nabil Ali Jaloud, Morten Mommsen

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전수미 2020-03-01 16:17

잘보고 갑니다

YM 2019-11-19 09:41
