China Human Capital Forum 2019

Charm 2019-09-22 16:30 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

China Human Capital Forum 2019 was successfully held in #Yantai #烟台 in #TsingTao China. 1,000+ CEO and #HR professionals joined the forum.  Keynote speakers were experts in digital transformation, future workforce, digital leadership, etc.  It was my honour to be one of them to share my experience on #DigitalStrategy for Traditional Enterprise.  Lesson learned is that there is an urgency to #Reskill our colleagues in the AI Era. CEO and HR of leading enterprises are well aware of the storm of #DigitalDisruption.  They are proactively reskilling their colleagues to best capitalize what digital can offer them. One example is  #AIAugmentation #人智 where #human work with #robots to gain competitive advantages over the laggards.   These companies have created new AI positions and retrain their staff on #AI #BigData and #DataQuotient to take up these new jobs.  Have we reskilled yet?

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