RED Platform

Bargau 2019-06-24 19:40 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Blockchain is becoming more and more disruptive across all industries. It’s application in the electricity market, one of the most regulated in any country already produced viable solutions - as we saw the case of RED platform and could be implemented also in the gas market. RED platform is the first P2P energy trading platform which executed the first peer-to-peer electricity retail transaction. It is a clear example of how blockchain can create an eco-system that will provide shared benefits for all the parties involved. In order to increase the adoption rate and to develop this technology (blockchain) we need to find innovative ways to finance its growth. Here blockchain can offer new and exciting opportunities for investors and companies seeking finance alike. In the recently ended Romania Blockchain Summit i was happy to see together so many people across industries who work together for a common future on blockchain. #blockchain #innovation #redplatform

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