Running a blockchain enterprise firm

Michael 2019-04-18 10:07 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

I had a call with Paul Gauvreau last night. He's a freshman at Berkeley. He's running a blockchain enterprise firm from his dorm room. It's called blockpoint - the business; not the dorm. Of course, "Gauvreau Hall" does have a nice ring to it. Anesthesiologists, sports doctors, professional athletes - all find utility in Paul's HIPPA-compliant, patent-pending technology. Bill Gates, Ken Griffin, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey & Larry - they went to college once, too. Paul's business takes some familiar concepts and adds a layer of sophistication on top. He hasn't re-invented the wheel, but the wheel runs differently than before, I guess you might put it. blockoint is not an ICO, STO, IEO, ITO, token, coin - none of that. It's a business - with clients; paid employees; revenue; IP attorneys; and vision. Paul says he's excited for the semester to end "so he can really get to work", though he confides "the past couple weeks were a bit busier than I would have liked". IBM runs a profitable enterprise blockchain business; so does blockpoint. So worldwide we are at least up to two. Tell that to McKinsey, I suppose, who said blockchain as a business solution was, effectively, overrated. I met Paul in Santa Clara at a token event a year ago; when he was winning science fairs in high school

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