Ah, decentralization. What a noble idea

Michael 2019-04-17 10:50 Write My Article (회원) DN 10.00

Ah, decentralization. What a noble idea. Institutions wield too much power, so cut out middlemen. Power to the people. Bitcoin. But the heck with that at the world's biggest crypto exchange. In one of the saddest commentaries in blockchain & crypto in ages - and there have been many; lest we forget last year - the towering chieftain of the most important crypto exchange on the planet showed pettiness is not beneath him, either. More than anything his unilateral actions to kick a client off his platform is a broad, formal announcement to everyone that he's the boss. The seer and doer. All roads, tokens, coins, what have you, go through him. Exchanges should insist on certain regulatory and civil adherence but otherwise shouldn't take sides. Imagine if the head of Nasdaq or NYSE booted a Google or Apple or Amazon over a feud amid a round of golf. I know this is a different situation but not by much. It's peurile, silly, embarrassing. And exactly why everyone outside looks at crypto and says: "Will you ever grow up?" Oh, there will be lawsuits, by the way. But when you're sitting on a mountain of cash & you're king of a small mountain, who really cares. Hey, I don't take sides; don't have a dog in the fight. Is it too much to ask from others in much, much higher industry standing.

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전수미 2019-04-19 23:18
