UNBOUND TECH - Crypto Asset Security Platform

Unbound CASP 2019-04-04 09:58 IT INFO DN 50.00

Disruptive Technology with Boundary Issues

Unbound’s, blockchain targeted, Crypto Asset Security Platform (CASP) enables institutions seeking to offer cryptocurrency services such as banks, hedge funds, exchanges, custodian and trade platforms a solution that would truly protect crypto assets without compromise on user experience, speed and agility. 

CASP was developed using Unbound’s Multi-Party Computation (MPC) - based Distributed Trust Platform technology - which protects secrets such as cryptographic keys, credentials or private data by ensuring they never exist in complete form.


Unbound CASP (news@dailycoinews.com)의 기사 더 보기

- 데일리코인뉴스는 현장의 목소리를 우선합니다(news@dailycoinews.com) -

- 기사에 사용된 모든 자료에 대한 책임은 작성자 본인에게 있습니다 -

[저작권자ⓒ Daily Coin News 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

기사 등록시 비트코인 가격
BTC-USD : $ 5,017.70 USD (API by Bitfinex)


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전수미 2019-04-04 23:27

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