Focus on ‘Philosophy of Enjoying! Cryptocurrency’ for 2019

‘Economy of Sharing’ as Alternative for ‘Sharing Economy’ in Corner

Professor Hangjun Park of Sehan University 2019-01-04 10:05 English DN 52.00

The donations for the year-end and new year are said to show sharp decrease. Such phenomenon is ironical since the amount of donation usually goes up during the bad economy time.

People make less donations because they do not know how their donations are used. There has been several news about abuse of donation and it is uncomfortable to see how 30% of donations are used for operation and management fee. Also, the large companies make non-profit foundation and leave the foundation to their daughters. Even though the companies make billions of donation, it seems like the trick for reducing the tax.  Furthermore, all corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities are seen as the effort for promoting the companies. When a person donates 40 billion won by selling stir-fried rice cake (Tteok-bokki), more people think about ‘how the person would have earned 40 billion won that cannot be earned in a normal way’. Some even blame the donators for not caring the close relatives or neighbors before making donations. Although people make donation, they feel as if some one is taking their money. Also, people receiving such donation don’t seem to appreciate the donations. Although the riches in the United States are known for leading the sharing, Americans don’t think of Bill Gates or Microsoft as the respectable figure or corporate.

There seems to be an issue in economy of sharing. Although ‘Sharing Economy’ suddenly appeared as the alternative for financial crisis of the United States in 2008, it is showing its limits. ‘Sharing Economy’ has limits as it involved morality issue in accumulating the ‘fortune’ and failed to provide clear fairness in distributing the ‘fortune’. 

The modern society doesn’t accept the idiom, ‘Narrow Gathered, Widely Spend’. Based on such tendency, some hate the riches and regard all the riches as the ‘Bad Class’. Also, the platform practicing the philosophy of sharing holds issues. People don’t like platforms focusing on profit. If the platform has a minor error, people blame the platform for lacking the purity of sharing economy. For example, people are dissatisfied with Kakao Talk’s expansion to Kakao Taxi and Kakao Car Pool and blame Kakao Talk for expanding business while earning 2 trillion won with the free messenger service.


While sharing economy emphasized the purity of sharing, it had own limits. To supplement such weakness, economic philosophy of enjoying has been newly suggested. Economy of enjoying is the ‘Economy which aims for sustainable society. It creates common profit and distributes fairly for making all members of the ecosystem to enjoy the benefits’. Such society of enjoying is available with ‘crypto’.

Crypto is the medium which allows social integration, common profit creation, and fair distribution and crypto is often known as ‘Cryptocurrency’. Crypto has a characteristic of integrated technology combining social technology, information engineering, and financial engineering. Crypto will lead the future economy and change the global society.

Crypto is an economy model with infinite value and potential and it cannot be explained in the simple concept of ‘cryptocurrency’ due to is broad and completed concept. Since crypto was born from the philosophical ground of participation, sharing, and openness, it does not aim for ‘fortune’. Crypto is ultimately the product of the mind instead of material. In 2019, how about focusing on ‘Philosophy of Enjoying! Crypto Economy’ as the alternative for sharing economy in the corner.

Professor Hangjun Park of Sehan University (의 기사 더 보기

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김용키 2019-01-14 15:53


전수미 2019-01-04 18:06

잘 봤습니다

오미선 2019-01-04 11:57

Thank you~